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How often should you vacuum? Our expert maids weigh in

Oct 13, 2021
How often should you vacuum?

Everyone is different when it comes to cleaning their homes. Some people just clean things up whenever they seem to be dirty, while others are proactive and have a regular cleaning schedule that they stick to. We know that opinions on how often people should vacuum can vary a lot between one person and the next, but one thing is for certain: a clean home is a happy home, so it’s important not to let unwanted dirt and debris pile up on your floor. Here’s the basic guidelines on how often homes should be vacuumed to maintain a clean and healthy living environment.

Why do we vacuum?

What ends up trapped in the chamber of your vacuum is a lot of things which you don’t want collecting in your home. There’s skin cells, hair, dust mites, dirt, and all the bacteria that can come with it. These small particles accumulate on the surfaces of your home simply because it’s a living space. It’s something that will always happen because it’s impossible for us to not bring in dirt or shed dead skin. 

This buildup of debris doesn’t look good, but it can go even farther by affecting your air quality and health. Additionally, crumbs in carpeting can begin to attract pests, and the room may start to emit a foul odor if not kept clean.  For those reasons, vacuuming is a practice that’s here to stay in the average household. 

Regular vacuuming will greatly improve air quality in your home and impact the health of your family. Any nasty smells will be replaced by a freshly vacuumed scent as well. Furthermore,  vacuuming rugs and carpets can increase their lifespan exponentially by keeping them in good shape.

Pets have an effect on your routine

No household is the same. Some may have only two people living in space, while others have a dozen family members in a house. The more people that live in a dwelling means more dirty shoes, crumbs, and skin cells, and therefore more vacuuming will be necessary for a clean house. 

However, these circumstances are multiplied when it comes to the mess left behind by your favorite pets. Every dog and cat is bound to shed a little (or a lot) of hair along with tracking other things like dirt or litter. You’d be surprised by how fast it can accumulate. Pet hairs can quickly end up in every nook and cranny of a home. Along with the many benefits of having a pet, they also come with more chores like vacuuming.

Allergies can mean vacuuming more often

Vacuums can suck up all sorts of nasty things like dust mites and pet hairs. These along with other common dust particles tend to be allergens and some vacuums may simply fling them into the air. This is what can cause allergies to suddenly get worse during cleaning. If you suffer from these reactions, you’ll need a high quality vacuum which can keep small particles contained. Along with vacuuming multiple times a week, it may be enough to keep the allergies at bay.

When should you vacuum your house?

There are many factors that contribute to how often we should vacuum our floors. The basics: more family members means more vacuuming. If those family members are pets, then maybe  a lot more. Also, carpet floors need more vacuuming than other types of flooring because it’s easy for bacteria and particles to get trapped in the fibers. Knowing that, twice a week is a good starting point for carpets to be vacuumed. For hard floors, they should be cleaned starting at once a week. This is a good idea of how often floors should be vacuumed. If your household needs more, you can always increase that number. Too much cleaning never did any harm.

Get Regular, Professional Vacuuming Services with AllyMaids

There’s no need to worry about debris and dust when a professional cleaner is taking care of your Atlanta area
apartment cleaning. AllyMaids can take care of the vacuuming and so much more in your home. With our affordable rates, a maid can be hired for weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleaning services. Hire a pro so you’ll no longer have to worry about the mess or grime. You can schedule a service online or call us at 404-841-7040.

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